Broken Wrist Update No1

So the last few days have been getting to me. Not being able to play, not being able to drive, or even go to the gym (properly) has got me down a little. Fortunately, I’ve had lots of messages from friends and other musicians sending their condolences and wishing me a speedy recovery. I really appreciate that so thank you all!

The good news is that the Hand & Wrist Therapy service rang me today and told me it should be out of the cast in the next week! This doesn’t mean I go back to normal, I still have to wear a splint and do loads of exercises for the next 8 - 12 weeks. I do think I’ll be back playing before then. I’ve got too much booked, so that will not be the case.

I am becoming more and more stoic about this whole process. Considering yesterday I was feeling pretty low about the whole thing and today I got good news that I can be out of this very annoying cast (yes typing this is very frustrating), it seems this is a good time to practice not getting too low, or too high.

I do believe most things happen for a reason, or at least you can find opportunities anywhere, and even though it’s been less than a week, I can feel some real perspective changes starting to form. Perhaps, that’s for another day though.

Watch me make funny videos about my broken wrist here.

Until tomorrow,


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