Broken Wrist Update No4.

Things are getting better! Only one week left of not playing music! Life has been ever so boring lately. No drums, no gigs or rehearsals, no workouts etc. But things will be changing soon and I cannot wait.

The wrist is feeling much better, though I still can’t put heavy weight on it. Certain angles still hurt and I’m still in a splint most of the time but it’s definitely loosening up.

I’ve been practising every morning, though only independence exercises between my right hand, right foot and left foot. At the end of my practice I’ve just been testing my left hand with some simple playing, just so it remembers what to do. The good news is that I haven’t lost any ability, speed or technique. The bad news is that after about 5-10 mins the wrist aches, so I’m not doing too much to make sure I’m not making this worse.

That aching certainly worries me a little. I’m wondering if maybe I’ve scheduled rehearsals and gigs a little prematurely. I’d hate to end up not letting it heal properly and have a niggle that comes back once or twice a year.

With that in mind, outside of gigs and rehearsals, I’m still not going to play and make sure I let it heal properly. I’m still only in week 4 of potentially 12 so I should be very careful.

But at the same time, I’m losing my mind a bit not being able to play! Hopefully, I can have the best of both worlds, play the shows, and heal at the same time.

Fortunately for me, I now have plenty of laptop work to do due me starting teaching in schools again this week, lots of playback sessions to create and edit, and of course the daily posts on this blog.

I think I’m over 20 days in a row since starting this blog. I’m aiming for 50 minimum. We’ll see from there.

Until next time,

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And don’t forget—I post daily blogs with tips, tricks, and guides like this one, so be sure to check back regularly for more drumming advice!

Until tomorrow,


The Pros and Cons of Taking Drum Lessons: A Comprehensive Comparison to Being Self-Taught.


Beginner’s Guide to Funk Drumming.